Jesse is truly legendary. He’s a 6’5’’ walking encyclopedia of locations and proves to be an invaluable resource on each and every shoot. Twenty-five years of working with this ledge and there is still nothing that makes him happier than the impossible “it doesn’t exist” location request so HE can find the needle-in-the-haystack and heroically save the day. Onset, we feel relieved when everyone is parked safely and he hasn’t grilled anyone for just “dropping something off.” In similar fashion to his distant cousin the Grinch, Jesse’s hard shell is simply a facade he must wear in order to make sure each day on set runs as smoothly and successfully as possible. He has one of the most challenging roles, and balances his serious demeanor with his constant hilarious banter. We love you Jesse … everything about you, including your trusty measuring stick. We know you’ll never change, so we don’t even have to request that. 🖤